Wellbeing at work

Well-being at work is essential because it affects employees’ physical, mental, and emotional health, which, in turn, influences their job performance and productivity. Here are a few reasons why well-being at work is crucial:

  1. Improved productivity: When employees feel good about their work environment, they are more engaged and motivated, which leads to increased productivity.
  2. Better mental health: A positive work environment can have a significant impact on an employee’s mental health, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing job satisfaction.
  3. Lower absenteeism: Employees who feel well-supported at work are less likely to miss work due to illness or stress-related issues, leading to higher attendance and fewer disruptions.
  4. Improved retention: When employees feel valued and supported at work, they are more likely to remain with their employer, reducing turnover costs and maintaining a stable workforce.
  5. Better physical health: A safe and healthy work environment can reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses, leading to fewer absences and improved overall health.

A health coach can play a significant role in improving well-being at work by helping employees adopt healthy habits and behaviors. Here are some ways in which a health coach can improve well-being at work:

  1. Conducting wellness assessments: A health coach can assess employees’ current health status and identify areas of improvement. They can then create personalized wellness plans to help employees achieve their health goals.
  2. Providing education and resources: Health coaches can educate employees on healthy habits and provide resources to help them make healthier choices. They can also share information on stress management techniques, nutrition, physical activity, and sleep hygiene.
  3. Supporting behavior change: Health coaches can provide ongoing support to help employees make sustainable changes to their behavior. They can offer encouragement, accountability, and motivation to keep employees on track.
  4. Creating a culture of wellness: Health coaches can work with employers to create a culture of wellness within the workplace. This can involve promoting healthy eating options, providing opportunities for physical activity, and creating a supportive work environment.
  5. Reducing healthcare costs: By promoting healthy habits and behaviors, health coaches can help reduce healthcare costs for employers. They can also help employees manage chronic conditions, reducing the need for costly medical interventions. #coachingforherco #bangkokhealthlifecoach #bangkokcoach # bangkokhealth #bangkoklifecoach #bangkokwellnesscoach #wellbeing

Phisical and mental wellbeing

Eating healthy is an essential aspect of leading a healthy lifestyle. The food we eat has a significant impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help us maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve our mood and energy levels, and enhance our overall quality of life.

If you’re looking to improve your diet and eat healthier, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods. One of the best ways to eat healthy is to focus on whole, unprocessed foods. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats. These foods are packed with nutrients and will keep you feeling full and satisfied.
  2. Choose lean protein sources. Protein is an essential nutrient that our bodies need to build and repair tissues. However, not all protein sources are created equal. Choose lean protein sources, such as chicken, fish, beans, and lentils, and limit your intake of processed meats.
  3. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Aim to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs.
  4. Limit processed and packaged foods. Processed and packaged foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. These foods can be tempting, but they offer little nutritional value. Limit your intake of these foods and opt for whole, unprocessed foods instead.
  5. Pay attention to portion sizes. Eating healthy is not just about what you eat but also about how much you eat. Pay attention to portion sizes, and aim to eat until you feel comfortably full, not stuffed.
  6. Drink plenty of water. Water is essential for good health, and many of us don’t drink enough of it. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and more if you’re physically active or in a hot climate.
  7. Plan your meals ahead of time. Planning your meals ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and avoid unhealthy options when you’re in a rush or don’t feel like cooking. Make a meal plan for the week ahead and stick to it as much as possible.

In conclusion, eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods, choosing lean protein sources, incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables, limiting processed and packaged foods, paying attention to portion sizes, drinking plenty of water, and planning your meals ahead of time, you can improve your diet and lead a healthier, happier life. #coachingforherco #bangkokhealthlifecoach #bangkokcoach # bangkokhealth #bangkoklifecoach #bangkokwellnesscoach #wellbeing

The obsession with calories

“If I stop counting the calories, won`t I gain weight?”

When you count the calories every single time you are eating, you take away the joy of eating and turn it into deprivation, stress and negative talk.

Same if you are exercising with the goal of burning a certain amount of calories, you take away all the fun of a physical activity.

It`s the quality of the food you eat – not the calories in that food – that determines what eating it will do to your metabolism.

A junk-food diet will cause a significant weight gain than a nutritious diet that contains the same amount of calories.

So instead of focusing on the calories on the label, let`s try to read the reported nutritional values.

The less on the label, the better it is.

While processed foods are convenient, they can also potentially affect your health. 

Let`s try to focus on eating real, whole foods that is as close to its nature state as possible.

  1. Loaded with important nutrients
  2. It`s delicious
  3. Low in sugar and high in healthy fats
  4. Healthy heart and high in fiber
  5. Better for the environment

Your diet is more than just what you put in your mouth. It is who you talk to, what energy you surround yourself with, and the content you consume. Pay attention to what you allow in your life.

Do I need a health coach?

Who are you accountable to?

This is a question you should be asking yourself before embarking on any goal, health and fitness related or not.

The number one reason why so many people either fall short or simply give up on their goals is the lack of accountability.

A health coach can help you to stay accountable to your current goals while helping you identifying your specific needs and figure out what to do about them considering your actual, real life.

If you want an easy fix, you might look somewhere else. If you are committed to invest in yourself and implement a plan designed just for you, a health coach might be exactly what you need.

I truly believe that the best way to implement any change in habits or behaviors is to take baby steps.

A health coach can guide you to achieve realistically your goals step-by-step.

A health coach respects you and your priorities without judging or pushing you to do things you don`t feel up to do and helps you to identify solutions you may or may not considered before.

We are rapidly approaching the end of 2022 and we all know that New Years resolutions are quite popular practice for most people, but as we get closer to 2023 and more importantly as you think about your goals right now, put some thought to how you can remain accountable and finally achieve the things you set out to do.

A health coach is a partner, not a dictator.

Don`t let yourself down and chase your goals with purpose and intent. #coachingforherco #bangkokhealthlifecoach #bangkokcoach # bangkokhealth #bangkoklifecoach #bangkokwellnesscoach #wellbeing

A healthy breakfast

Instant oatmeal packets are a lifesaver for busy mornings, but have you considered crafting your own instant oatmeal jars? By purchasing oatmeal, dried/fresh fruit and nuts in bulk, you can make your own version of instant oatmeal, and save money at the same time.
* 40grams (1/2cup) uncooked quick oats
* Cinnamon
* 1tablespoon dried cranberries (or any dried fruit of your choice)
* 80ml water/milk (1cup)

To make a jar layer the ingredients in the following order: oatmeal, cinnamon, dried fruits and toppings. Add boiling water and stir. Let the oatmeal stand for 4-5 minutes to soften then stir and enjoy!

Per serving: Calories 229. Total Fat: 6g, Carbohydrate: 38g, Protein 6g

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6 realistic strategies I use to get back on track post vacation

1. JUMP BACK IN. Don`procrastinate meal-prepping and fitness routines that`ll just make it more difficult to get back in.

2. HYDRATE. Hydration will help level out your energy, mood and stress levels post trip. 

3. NOURISH. A well balanced diet with a focus on fiber and protein gets the gut back on track and will help you immediately feel better

4. FOOD SHOP. Have groceries waiting for you at home already upon arrival. Having healthy food in the house makes it easier to make healthier choices, especially when you are overtired plus low energy from travelling

5. BOOK A WORKOUT. Schedule it just like you would a doctor appointment or a work meeting

6. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. It takes the body plus the mind time to reset and get back into a rhythm allowing yourself grace to do that without being hard on yourself! 

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